A task is an activity proposed with the purpose of solving a specific NLP problem, generally within the framework of a competition. Below is information about NLP tasks in Spanish from 2013 to the present.
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: Rest-Mex 2023 Sentiment
- Forum: IberLEF
- Competition: Rest-Mex 2023: Research on Sentiment Analysis Task for Mexican Tourist Texts
- Domain: Tourism
- Language(s): Spanish
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: MINT ES
- Forum: SEMEVAL
- Competition: SemEval-2023 Task 9: Multilingual Tweet Intimacy Analysis
- Domain: General
- Language(s): Spanish, English
FinancES: Financial targeted sentiment analysis IberLEF 2023
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: FinancES 2023
- Forum: IberLEF
- Competition: FinancES: Financial Targeted Sentiment Analysis in Spanish
- Domain: Finance
- Language(s): Spanish
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: FinancES 2023
- Forum: IberLEF
- Competition: FinancES: Financial Targeted Sentiment Analysis in Spanish
- Domain: Finance
- Language(s): Spanish
Emotion classification IberLEF 2021
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: EmoEventEs
- Forum: IberLEF
- Competition: EmoEvalEs: Emotion detection
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish
Stance detection IberLEF 2021
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: VaxxStance-ES
- Forum: IberLEF
- Competition: Stance detection about vaccines
- Domain: Health
- Language(s): Spanish
Code mixed sentiment analysis SEMEVAL 2020
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: SentiMix-Spanglish
- Forum: SEMEVAL
- Competition: Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tweets
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish, English
Universal dependency parsing IberLEF 2020
- NLP topic: parsing
- Dataset: CAPITEL-UD
- Forum: IberLEF
- Competition: Named entity recognition and Universal Dependency parsing
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish
Polarity classification IberLEF 2019
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: NEGES
- Forum: IberLEF
- Competition: NEGES 2019 Task: Negation in Spanish
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish
Emotion intensity classification SEMEVAL 2018
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: Affect in Tweets-ES
- Forum: SEMEVAL
- Competition: SemEval-2018 Task 1: Affect in Tweets
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish, English
- NLP topic: parsing
- Dataset: CoNLL-UD2.2-ES
- Forum: CoNLL
- Competition: CoNLL 2018 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish, English
Sentiment valence regression SEMEVAL 2018
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: Affect in Tweets-ES
- Forum: SEMEVAL
- Competition: SemEval-2018 Task 1: Affect in Tweets
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish, English
Stance detection IberEVAL 2018
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: The TW-1O Referendum corpus - ES
- Forum: IberEVAL
- Competition: Multimodal Stance Detection in Tweets on Catalan #1Oct Referendum
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish
Sentiment valence classification SEMEVAL 2018
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: Affect in Tweets-ES
- Forum: SEMEVAL
- Competition: SemEval-2018 Task 1: Affect in Tweets
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish, English
Emotion intensity regression SEMEVAL 2018
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: Affect in Tweets-ES
- Forum: SEMEVAL
- Competition: SemEval-2018 Task 1: Affect in Tweets
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish, English
Emotion classification SEMEVAL 2018
- NLP topic: sentiment analysis
- Dataset: Affect in Tweets-ES
- Forum: SEMEVAL
- Competition: SemEval-2018 Task 1: Affect in Tweets
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish, English
Universal dependency parsing CoNLL 2017
- NLP topic: parsing
- Dataset: UD2.0-es
- Forum: CoNLL
- Competition: CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish, English
- NLP topic: parsing
- Dataset: CoNL-2009-ES
- Forum: CoNLL
- Competition: CoNLL-2009 Shared Task: Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies in Multiple Languages
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish, English
If you have published a result better than those on the list, send a message to odesia-comunicacion@lsi.uned.es indicating the result and the DOI of the article, along with a copy of it if it is not published openly.