MEDDOPROF - Named entity recognition

The task aims to find exact mentions of occupations in clinical cases and reports of individual patients published in medical journals, and label them according to the type of occupation: profession, employment status or activity.

Salvador Lima-López, Eulàlia Farré-Maduell, Antonio Miranda-Escalada, Vicent Brivá-Iglesias, Martin Krallinger (2021) NLP applied to occupational health: MEDDOPROF shared task at IberLEF 2021 on automatic recognition, classification and normalization of professions and occupations from medical texts. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 67, septiembre de 2021, pp. 243-256

Task results

System Precision Recall F1 Sort ascending
NLNDE 0.8550 0.7830 0.8180
MUCIC 0.8130 0.7880 0.8000
SMR-NLP 0.8540 0.7510 0.7990
SINAI 0.8210 0.7400 0.7780
Vicomtech NLP-team 0.7580 0.7390 0.7480

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