Detection of disease mentions in tweets

SocialDisNER focuses on the recognition of disease mentions in Twitter posts. Tweets originate from the following: patients’ accounts, with firsthand health reports; friends, support network and relatives, who share the difficulties faced by patients; and medical professionals, who disseminate reliable information about diseases. Tweets in this task include information on rheumatic diseases such as lupus erythematosus, highly prevalent diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and mental disorders, fibromyalgia and autism spectrum conditions.

Luis Gasco Sánchez, Darryl Estrada Zavala, Eulàlia Farré-Maduell, Salvador Lima-López, Antonio Miranda-Escalada, and Martin Krallinger. 2022. The SocialDisNER shared task on detection of disease mentions in health-relevant content from social media: methods, evaluation, guidelines and corpora. In Proceedings of The Seventh Workshop on Social Media Mining for Health Applications, Workshop & Shared Task, pages 182–189, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Task results

System Precision Recall F1 Sort ascending
CASIA 0.9060 0.8760 0.8910
READ-BioMed 0.8680 0.8750 0.8710
Clac 0.8510 0.8880 0.8690
PLN CMM 0.8820 0.8430 0.8620
NLP-CIC-WFU 0.8420 0.8600 0.8510

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