Clinical concept normalization

This task requires to return all tumor morphology entity mentions found in medical documents together with their corresponding eCIE-O codes, i.e. finding and normalizing tumor morphology mentions.

Antonio Miranda-Escalada, Eulàlia Farré and Martin Krallinger (2020) Named Entity Recognition, Concept Normalization and Clinical Coding: Overview of the Cantemist Track for Cancer Text Mining in Spanish, Corpus, Guidelines, Methods and Results. Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2020).
Abstract task
Ranking metric
Micro F

Task results

System MicroPrecision MicroRecall MicroF1 Sort ascending
HITSZ-ICRC 0.8240 0.8260 0.8250
Vicomtech 0.8220 0.8210 0.8210
Fadi 0.7980 0.7740 0.7860
mhjabreel 0.7750 0.7790 0.7770
NLNDE 0.7670 0.7660 0.7670

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