A task is an activity proposed with the purpose of solving a specific NLP problem, generally within the framework of a competition. Below is information about NLP tasks in Spanish from 2013 to the present.
Procedure Coding CLEF 2020
- NLP topic: text indexing
- Dataset: CodiEsp
- Forum: CLEF
- Competition: CodiEsp: Clinical Case Coding in Spanish Shared Task (eHealth CLEF 2020)
- Domain:
- Language(s):
Explainable AI CLEF 2020
- NLP topic: text indexing
- Dataset: CodiEsp
- Forum: CLEF
- Competition: CodiEsp: Clinical Case Coding in Spanish Shared Task (eHealth CLEF 2020)
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish
Aggresive language detection IberLEF 2020
- NLP topic: hate detection
- Dataset: Mexican Aggressiveness Corpus
- Forum: IberLEF
- Competition: MEX-A3T
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish (Mexico)
Diagnosis coding CLEF 2020
- NLP topic: text indexing
- Dataset: CodiEsp
- Forum: CLEF
- Competition: CodiEsp: Clinical Case Coding in Spanish Shared Task (eHealth CLEF 2020)
- Domain:
- Language(s): Spanish
If you have published a result better than those on the list, send a message to odesia-comunicacion@lsi.uned.es indicating the result and the DOI of the article, along with a copy of it if it is not published openly.