TESTLINK: Linking Results to Clinical Laboratory Tests and Measurements

The task focuses on relation extraction from clinical cases in Spanish and Basque. It consists in identifying clinical results and measures and linking them to the tests and measurements from which they were obtained.

Begoña Altuna, Rodrigo Agerri, Lidia Salas-Espejo, José Javier Saiz, Alberto Lavelli, Bernardo Magnini, Manuela Speranza, Roberto Zanoli, Goutham Karunakaran (2023) Overview of TESTLINK at IberLEF 2023: Linking Results to Clinical Laboratory Tests and Measurements. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 71, septiembre de 2023, pp. 313-320.

Task results

If you have published a result better than those on the list, send a message to odesia-comunicacion@lsi.uned.es indicating the result and the DOI of the article, along with a copy of it if it is not published openly.