Sensitive span detection

This task focuses on the detection of sensitive text; in particular, the objective is to identify and to mask confidential data, regardless of the real type of entity or the correct identification of protected health information (PHI) type. 

Montserrat Marimon, Aitor Gonzalez-Agirre, Ander Intxaurrondo, Heidy Rodríguez, Jose Lopez Martin, Marta Villegas, Martin Krallinger (2019) “Automatic De-identification of Medical Texts in Spanish: the MEDDOCAN Track, Corpus, Guidelines, Methods and Evaluation of Results.” In: IberLEF@ SEPLN. 2019, pp. 618–638.
Abstract task
Ranking metric
Micro F

Task results

System MicroPrecision MicroRecall MicroF1 Sort ascending
lukas.lange-1 0.9751 0.9747 0.9749
lukas.lange-2 0.9757 0.9733 0.9745
lukas.lange-3 0.9754 0.9735 0.9745
lukas.lange-4 0.9752 0.9733 0.9743
lukas.lange-5 0.9722 0.9687 0.9705

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