HUHU - Hurtful humour detection

The task offers a frame to study how humour is used to discriminate minorities and to analyse their interplay with the degree of prejudice expressed against specific groups. It consists on determining whether a prejudicial tweet is intended to cause humour, by distinguishing between tweets that use humour to express prejudice and tweets that express prejudice without humour.  The tweets are in Spanish and target the following groups: women and feminists, the LGBTI+ community, immigrants and racially discriminated people, and over-weighted people. 

Roberto Labadie Tamayo, Berta Chulvi, Paolo Rosso (2023) Everybody Hurts, Sometimes Overview of HUrtful HUmour at IberLEF 2023: Detection of Humour Spreading Prejudice in Twitter. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 71, septiembre de 2023, pp. 383-395.

Task results

System F1 Sort ascending
RETUYT-INCO-1 0.8200
BERT 4EVER-2 0.7990
CISHUHUC-1 0.7960
MosquitosBiased-1 0.7840
HUHU-RMA-2023-1 0.7820
amateur37-1 0.7810
MJR-1 0.7790
JPK-2 0.7780
INGEOTEC-1 0.7750
CAVIROS-2 0.7740

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