HOPE. Multilingual Hope Speech detection - Spanish

The aim of the HOPE 2023 shared task is to promote equality, diversity and inclusion through the detection of hope speech. It consists of identifying whether a text, written in Spanish, contains hope speech or not. 

Salud María Jiménez-Zafra, Miguel Ángel Garcia-Cumbreras, Daniel García-Baena, José Antonio Garcia-Díaz, Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi, Rafael Valencia-García, Luis Alfonso Ureña-López (2023) Overview of HOPE at IberLEF 2023: Multilingual Hope Speech Detection. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 71, septiembre de 2023, pp. 371-381.
NLP topic
Abstract task
Ranking metric
Macro F1

Task results

System MacroF1 Sort ascending
Zootopi 0.9161
I2C-Huelva 0.7437
Zavira 0.7430
LIDOMA 0.7238
UMUTeam 0.7103
honghanhh 0.7034
juanmanuel.calvo 0.6626
NLP SSN CSE 0.5913
aswathyprem 0.4864
Habesha 0.4815

If you have published a result better than those on the list, send a message to odesia-comunicacion@lsi.uned.es indicating the result and the DOI of the article, along with a copy of it if it is not published openly.