Fake news detection

This task consists in classifying a given set of news written in Mexican Spanish between true and fake.  It is a binary classification task.

Mario Ezra Aragón, Horacio Jarquín-Vásquez, Manuel Montes-y-Gómez, Hugo Jair Escalante, Luis Villaseñor-Pineda, Helena Gómez-Adorno, Juan-Pablo Posadas-Durán, Gemma Bel-Enguix (2020) Overview of MEX-A3T at IberLEF 2020: Fake News and Aggressiveness Analysis in Mexican Spanish. Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2020)
Spanish (Mexico)
Abstract task
Ranking metric
Macro F1

Task results

System MacroF1 Sort ascending
Idiap-UAM-1 0.8566
Idiap-UAM-2 0.8502
Ares 0.8169
CIMAT-1 0.8030
Intensos-2 0.7793

If you have published a result better than those on the list, send a message to odesia-comunicacion@lsi.uned.es indicating the result and the DOI of the article, along with a copy of it if it is not published openly.