Event detection

The purpose of this task is to recognize events expressed in verbal and nominal expressions, that is, those events expressed in nouns, such as ’destruction’ or ’meeting’, and in verbs, such as ’destroy’ or ’meet’.

Aiala Rosá, Laura Alonso, Irene Castellón, Luis Chiruzzo, Hortensia Curell, Ana Fernandez Montraveta, Santiago Góngora, Marisa Malcuori, Glòria Vàzquez and Dina Wonsever (2020) Overview of FACT at IberLEF 2020: Events Detection and Classification. Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2020)
NLP topic
Abstract task
Ranking metric
Macro F1

Task results

If you have published a result better than those on the list, send a message to odesia-comunicacion@lsi.uned.es indicating the result and the DOI of the article, along with a copy of it if it is not published openly.