Entity recognition

Given a list of eHealth documents written in Spanish language, the goal of this task is to identify all the key phrases per document and characterise them with the concepts (i.e. classes) that represent them. These key phrases are all the relevant terms (single word or multiple words) that represent semantically important elements in a sentence. 

There are four categories or classes for key phrases:

  • Concept: a general category that indicates the key phrase is a relevant term, concept, idea, in the knowledge domain of the sentence.
  • Action: a concept that indicates a process or modification of other concepts. It can be indicated by a verb or verbal construction, such as “afecta” (affects), but also by nouns, such as “exposición” (exposition), where it denotes the act of being exposed to the Sun, and “daños” (damages), where it denotes the act of damaging the skin.
  • Predicate: used to represent a function or filter of another set of elements, which has a semantic label in the text, such as “mayores” (older), and is applied to a concept, such as “personas” (people) with some additional arguments such as “60 años” (60 years).
  • Reference: A textual element that refers to a concept –in the same sentence or in different one–, which can be indicated by textual clues such as “esta”, “aquel”, and similar.
Alejandro Piad-Morffis, Yoan Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo Consuegra-Ayala, Suilan Estevez-Velarde, Yudivián Almeida-Cruz, Rafael Muñoz, Andrés Montoyo (2019) Overview of the eHealth Knowledge Discovery Challenge at IberLEF 2019. Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2019)
Abstract task
Ranking metric

Task results

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