Detection of toxicity level

It is a multi-class classification task that aims to assign a degree of toxicity to a text (0=not toxic; 1=mildly toxic; 2=toxic and 3=very toxic). The texts considered are comments posted in response to different online news articles related to immigration.

Mariona Taulé, Alejandro Ariza, Montserrat Nofre, Enrique Amigó, Paolo Rosso (2021) Overview of DETOXIS at IberLEF 2021: DEtection of TOXicity in comments In Spanish. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 67, septiembre de 2021, pp. 209-221.
NLP topic
Abstract task
Ranking metric

Task results

System CEM Sort ascending
GTH-UPM 0.7526
SINAI 0.7495
Team Sabari 0.7428
DCG 0.7300
GuillemGSubies 0.7189

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