Clinical impact detection

Given a collection of plain text documents, systems must (1) perform a document classification according to information relevant to high-impact, real-world clinical use cases (multi-label classification) and (2) retrieve the list of NCBI Tax IDs that support the binary classification. 

Systems have to categorize the documents into the following information axes:

  • Pets and farm animals in close contact with the patient (important for detecting animal-transmitted diseases such as toxoplasmosis, salmonellosis, cat-scratch disease, etc.).
  • Animals causing injuries. Parasites are NOT included.
  • Food species. It includes ingested aliments and any other food mentioned in the document. It excludes ingested items that are not food.
  • Nosocomial entities: mentions corresponding to nosocomial/health care associated infections.
Antonio Miranda-Escalada, Eulàlia Farré-Maduell, Salvador Lima-López, Darryl Estrada, Luis Gascó, Martin Krallinger (2022) Mention detection, normalization & classification of species, pathogens, humans and food in clinical documents: Overview of the LivingNER shared task and resources. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 69, septiembre de 2022, pp. 241-253.

Task results

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