Author profiling

The PoliticEs shared task consists of extracting the gender and the profession as demographic traits, and the political ideology as a psychographic trait from a given user’s set of tweets. Political ideology is considered as a binary (pib) and as a multi-class problem (pim). The possible categories of each trait are as follows:

  • gender: male, female.
  • profession: political, journalist.
  • pib: left, right.
  • pim: left, moderate left, right, moderate right.
José Antonio García-Díaz, Salud María Jiménez-Zafra, María-Teresa Martín Valdivia, Francisco García-Sánchez, L. Alfonso Ureña-López, Rafael Valencia-García (2022) Overview of PoliticEs 2022: Spanish Author Profiling for Political Ideology. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 69, septiembre de 2022, pp. 265-272.
NLP topic
Abstract task
Ranking metric
Macro F1

Task results

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